In the old days, you had to choose from stock photos at a local convenience store wherever you were traveling, buy it, figure out the local postal system, then put it in the mail. There are a number of websites and apps out there to allow amateur photographers to create and send postcards straight from their phone.
Keep reading to find out how to turn a photo into a postcard in about five easy steps. Apps and websites that allow you to turn a photo into a custom postcard abound and make it very easy. Wherever there are opportunities to provide a valuable service to people, you can be sure a website will pop up to make some money off it. It’s pretty amazing how many ways there are to make money from your photos nowadays. The amount of work required of you varies based on the method chosen. Methods include using specific post card apps, general graphic design apps, and general printing services. You can usually create a great looking postcard out of a photo in around 5 easy steps, regardless of which method you use to create the postcard, or which device you use to take the photo.
In fact, I prefer to take a photo with my phone when I’m looking to create a digital to physical product. Yes, even smartphones! Phones nowadays can take pretty incredible photos that sell with or without an inexpensive lens attachment. Whether you have a smartphone or a DSLR, you can easily create amazing postcards.